Max Podstolski: Paintings

Figures, Lovers & Birds

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©The Primitive Bird Group. All rights reserved


CoBrA Figures (detail)

Family Portrait (detail)

Male, Female (detail)

Menagerie of the Child (detail)

Bird and Fish (detail)

Inward Ho! (detail)

Fearsome Beast (detail)

Couple (detail)

Figure 1 (detail)

Snakeman (detail)

Lovers 1 (detail)

Theatre of Symbols (detail)

Scrutiniser (detail)

Figure 2 (detail)

Two Birds (detail)

Figure 3 (detail)

Lovers and Bird (detail)

Lovers 2 (detail)

From a Primitivistic Paradise (detail)

Manic Figures (detail)

Bird and Moon (detail)

Little World (detail)

Woman and Bird (detail)

Flight of the Free (detail)