Old and New Dreams, Tamarillo Gallery, Wellington, 15 Oct-6 Nov 2010
My Art Instinct, COCA Gallery, Christchurch, 7-27 Apr 2010
Free Madicals, Catchment Gallery, Nelson, 8 Sep-3 Oct 2009
Jungle Fever, solo exhibition, Tamarillo Gallery, Wellington, 10-31 Oct 2008
Rima - Five, group exhibition celebrating Catchment Gallery's fifth year, Nelson, 5 Feb-1 Mar 2008
MP3 Project, group exhibition, COCA: Centre of Contemporary Art, Christchurch, Oct-Nov 2006
The Primitive Bird Group, joint exhibition with Clare Reilly, Catchment Gallery, Nelson, 2-30 Sep 2006
Internal Necessity is the mother..., Mair Gallery, COCA (Centre of Contemporary Art), Christchurch, 8-26 Nov 2005
Ornithology, Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Salamander Gallery, Christchurch, 29 Mar-17 Apr 2005
Birds from the Outside and Inside, Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Orion-Powerhouse Gallery, Akaroa, 29 Dec 2004-30 Jan 2005
Reilly, Podstolski, Ball (with Derek Ball), Catchment Gallery, Nelson, 5-30 Oct 2004
Pecking (Dis)order, in Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Aigantighe Art Gallery, Timaru, 8-23 May 2004
Tahi: the First Exhibition, group show with Christine Boswijk, Darryl Frost, Fatu Feu'u, Clare Reilly, Stanley Palmer, John Crawford, Terry Stringer, Michael Reed, Wallace Sutherland, Graeme Stradling, John Drawbridge, Marte Szirmay, Jim Wheeler, Linda Atkins and others, Catchment Gallery, Nelson, 27 Jan-21 Feb 2004
Towards White Out, in Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Left Bank Art Gallery, Greymouth, 2 Oct-12 Nov 2003
Raw, Spontaneous, Pictographic, in Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Salamander Gallery, Christchurch, 6-25 May 2003
Strip Show, in Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Akaroa Gallery, Akaroa, 28 Dec 2002-31 Jan 2003
Group exhibition with Eion Stevens, Rudolf Boelee, John Madden, Peter Carson, Jude Robertson, Under the Red Verandah, Nov 2002
Strips, in Primitive Bird Group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Left Bank Art Gallery, Greymouth, 4-30 Apr 2002
Strips, in Poles Apart exhibition with Julie Podstolski, Gadfly Gallery, Perth, Western Australia, 1-24 Jun 2001
Revealing, Concealing (solo exhibition), Salamander Gallery, Christchurch, 21 Oct-3 Nov 1996
Te Omanga Hospice Art Auction exhibition, Government House, Wellington, 17 Oct 1996
Figures and Lovers, in joint exhibition with Clare Reilly, Merilyn Savill Gallery, Wellington, 22 Aug-4 Sep 1993
New Acquisitions exhibition, School of Fine Arts Gallery, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 1992
Joint exhibition with Clare Reilly, Merilyn Savill Gallery, Wellington, 1992
Structures of Identity and Influence: Grid Paintings (solo exhibition), CSA Gallery, Christchurch, Jan 1992
Caltex Art Award exhibition, NZ Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, 1989
BP On the Move exhibition, NZ Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, 1989
Sign Signature Significance (solo exhibition), University of Canterbury Library, Christchurch, 5-16 Sep 1988
Private view, joint exhibition with Clare Reilly, 357 Gloucester Street, Christchurch, 1986
Solo exhibition, Morant Gallery, Christchurch, 1983
Solo exhibition, CSA Gallery, Christchurch, 1982
Three Christchurch Artists and a Wellington Poet, group exhibition with Clare Reilly, Julie Podstolski and Jeannie Beauchamp, Antipodes Gallery, Wellington, 1981
Solo exhibition, CSA Gallery, Christchurch, Jul 1981
CSA Centenary Exhibition, CSA Gallery, Christchurch, 1980
Solo exhibition, CSA Gallery, Christchurch, 1980
Solo exhibition, Antipodes Gallery, Wellington, 1980
Joint exhibition with Clare Reilly, Antipodes Gallery, Wellington, 1979
Solo exhibition, CSA Gallery, Christchurch, 1979
Joint exhibition with Clare Reilly, Antipodes Gallery, Wellington, 1978
Seven Young Wellington Artists, exhibition including Clare Reilly, Stuart Porter, Peter Baker, Prue Donaldson, Peter Bennett, Antipodes Gallery, Wellington, 1976